1stTask App - Product Design

We don't always get our tasks done, because of procrastination, distraction, and/or intimidation.
Create a checklist app that encourages users to finish their tasks, and to be more productive.
User Interviews
"What makes you unproductive?"
"Social media and dating apps."
"Thinking about my tasks overwhelms me."
"Playing video games."
"What makes you productive?"
"Due dates."
"When the task is important."
"Constant reminders."
"The idea of being productive."
Competitive Analysis
Other Apps' Weaknesses
-Confusing navigation
-Most apps offer no incentive to finish tasks
-Bland interface
Other Apps' Strengths
-Task priority ratings
-Shopping lists and events
-Notifications and reminders
Key Features:

Hues will help visualize time remaining for tasks.
App Blocking

Social media, dating apps, and games can be blocked.
Task Importance Rating

Rate your task's importance, and notifications will adjust.

Users will get reminded and/or asked about their tasks.
User Flow

Final Interface
Try 1stTask out for yourself!
Thank you for reading.
Have a great day.
A very special thank you to those who helped with or inspired this case study:
J.D, S.B, U.I, L.B, A.F, R.A, R.P