Home Depot Poster Redesign
I was hired by BridgeGroup Consultants to do some freelance graphic design for everybody's favorite hardware store: The Home Depot.
My job was to redesign their promotional poster for a selection of Behr and CIL paints.
The Old Poster
Home Depot's original poster contained a lot of data, which made it very informative, but also very cluttered.
It's basic purpose was to inform customers how well each type of paint did in certain categories, ex. Hides dark colors easily, Resists Stains, VOC Content, and others.
The poster contained three Behr paints, one Home Depot Designer Paint, and two CIL paints.
Redesign Overview
I was instructed to do the following:
1. Remove Home Depot's Designer Paint, as it was discontinued.
2. Split poster into two: one featuring the Behr paints, and the other featuring CIL paints.
3. Emphasize that the Behr paints are higher quality, and CIL paints are budget paints.
4. Subtly make the Behr paints more appealing, to upsell and promote them more.
5. Keep only the important categories (the ones that concerned customers the most).
6. Convert the "scores" of the paints to more of a "yes or no".
Planning and Sketches
The Final Posters
Thank you for reading.
Have a great day.
A very special thank you to J.D for helping with this case study.